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My new favorite webwriting agency

I’ve been writing for Blogmutt since December 20, 2013 and almost instantly, they were my #1 favorite place to log into.  Their behind-the-scenes format is so easy to work with.  Instead of blowing their horn here on my website, I’m going to send you directly over to Blogmutt via some links to posts I wrote […]

Bukisa Hot Tips for Writing Online Niche Blogs productivity She Told Me social networking Squidoo success Uncategorized Web Content Writing

How to Write a Roundup Article

Roundup articles are a little like “freebies” for web content writers.  Presumably you’ve been writing in the same niche for a while and have several articles about a few very precise topics. A roundup article is basically a compilation of all those articles, with links to several of them. An example of one of my […]