Author Research Survey

Survey for Authors

If you are a self-published author, I’d love your help in completing a research project for school. I’m surveying authors to compare the amount of time they spend working with the income they’re getting from their work. It’s anonymous, but you must be signed in to google so I don’t get duplicate entries. After taking […]

Seattle publications that may be hiring writers and freelance writers in Seattle
Magazine Writing Writing Courses Online Writing Opportunities

Seattle Small Press Magazines and Newspapers

I just searched for Small Publications in Seattle and was pretty disappointed to find that none of my fellow writers had compiled this.  If they did, they weren’t on page 1 and the only useful thing on page 1 was Wikipedia. So I’m writing it.  If you want a list of small newspapers in Seattle […]

productivity Writing

Quick update (Aww who am I kidding, it’s a state-of-my-writing address)

My writing adventures were stalled for a while because I thought life would be better working outside of the home.  For a while, I was right.  Writing from home had become a little bit of a drag for a while because I wondered if I could even make it in a “real” job.  I felt […]