Author Research Survey

Survey for Authors

If you are a self-published author, I’d love your help in completing a research project for school. I’m surveying authors to compare the amount of time they spend working with the income they’re getting from their work. It’s anonymous, but you must be signed in to google so I don’t get duplicate entries. After taking […]


You might need more than just web content

Today I was writing for a tour company in the Rocky Mountains of the USA. They offer horseback riding and ATV tours and lodging. They’re trying to pitch their services for catering and events and I think they need more than just a team of content writers bringing traffic to their website.  Here’s what I […]


Working From Home During the Holidays

I’m writing this at my kitchen counter, it’s centrally located, well, right in the middle of the house (grin).  My six-year-old and my eight-year-old are running circles around me, stark naked with bath towels trailing behind them like superheroes.  If I stop writing I might say something lame like “Cheesus Ate Rice, stop running in […]


SalesForce CRM management (cloud based) software

It’s 4300 and 5 days to take the new salesforce administrator’s course but the outline for the class is available online and while you won’t get a certificate for teaching yourself, you can definitely do it even without access to the program.  There are videos on youtube and other tutorials out there for learning to be […]


Learn to use ExactTarget Email software for free

Adding ExactTarget skills to your resume can help you land a contract or position working with online marketing campaigns at bigger companies. Here’s a website that offers training courses you can register for (for a fee) but this particular page offers free video courses so you can learn on your own


Your niche might be helping local businesses

For a lot of small businesses, setting up a Google+ page is really difficult, really boring and really probably not on their top ten list of things they should be doing online. But don’t worry, that’s where you come in.  As a private contractor, you can provide a service for local businesses to help them […]

Bukisa Hot Tips for Writing Online Niche Blogs productivity She Told Me social networking Squidoo success Uncategorized Web Content Writing

How to Write a Roundup Article

Roundup articles are a little like “freebies” for web content writers.  Presumably you’ve been writing in the same niche for a while and have several articles about a few very precise topics. A roundup article is basically a compilation of all those articles, with links to several of them. An example of one of my […]


How to turn your graphic into a clickable button readers can use on their site

OK- I hope this article comes out right. I’m not used to writing ABOUT html code, but the topic is so important that I need to share it. So- it’s arts and crafts time, blogger style. Step 1- create your graphic If you already HAVE a graphic, you can skip ahead a few paragraphs to […]