productivity Writing

Quick update (Aww who am I kidding, it’s a state-of-my-writing address)

My writing adventures were stalled for a while because I thought life would be better working outside of the home.  For a while, I was right.  Writing from home had become a little bit of a drag for a while because I wondered if I could even make it in a “real” job.  I felt […]

Bukisa Hot Tips for Writing Online Niche Blogs productivity She Told Me social networking Squidoo success Uncategorized Web Content Writing

How to Write a Roundup Article

Roundup articles are a little like “freebies” for web content writers.  Presumably you’ve been writing in the same niche for a while and have several articles about a few very precise topics. A roundup article is basically a compilation of all those articles, with links to several of them. An example of one of my […]