Making Money Online

Writing in the middle of life and everything

So life has become super complicated. Suddenly I’m a mom of kids with medical needs in the midst of my own medical needs. My 15 yr old had surgery a couple weeks ago and I just brought my 19 year old home from the hospital, she had pneumonia and sepsis. One day she’s fine and less than 24 hours later we’re in the ER and she’s being transferred to the bigger hospital with the ICU care she needed. And I know there isn’t a “good time” to have a child staying in the hospital but seriously, my car was in the shop so I was spending over $60 a day to get back and forth using Lyft. (Do you hear that, Lyft? I should get a reward or something. No punchcard?)

Anyway, I was able to meet my daily writing goals even while sitting at her bedside. The irony that for so long working outside the home kept me from living the life I needed to and suddenly I’m writing again and can handle (almost) all of the new shit that’s come my way is pretty intense.

My October earnings so far are bigger than the past 3 months combined, so selling fiction seems to be a lucrative business, plus the Workbooks for Writers series I’m working on is also pretty fun.

Anyway, super big thank you to friends and family who have helped with the car repairs and hospital expenses. Super big thank you to everyone who reads fiction on Kindle also, that’s what’s going to get me out of this mess.




Side note- Geoff Shaw’s Kindling program is amazing.  I’m working through it slowly but surely, there’s a wealth of information there for anyone who is serious about writing fiction professionally.

