
An excellent resource for editing for clarity

Explaining the Hemingway App without actually copying and pasting from their website would be kind of lame because once you click on it you’ll end up seeing what it’s about anyway. So click on the words Hemingway App above and find out for yourself. It’s pretty awesome. Enjoy.


And Suddenly I Realize I’m an Avoider of Phrases…

I don’t claim to be any kind of awesome writer, and because of this, there are phrases I avoid simply because I don’t like them.  Until I started listening to the Grammar Girl podcasts I wasn’t really interested in knowing the truth. I can’t control what anyone else says or does in their writing so […]


On Being a Sellout

I know a lot of super creative writers. I love the idea of self-expression and creating beautiful things with words, but it’s just not my style. I’ve been preparing for a career as a web writer since I was in junior high school.  I used to always get A’s on essays in school.  The secret […]


You might need more than just web content

Today I was writing for a tour company in the Rocky Mountains of the USA. They offer horseback riding and ATV tours and lodging. They’re trying to pitch their services for catering and events and I think they need more than just a team of content writers bringing traffic to their website.  Here’s what I […]


And I Never Looked At Life the Same

I looked down at my hands, pasty and contorted into gruesome, unnatural shapes, like a 90 yr old woman with arthritis who misses needlepoint most of all. They were cramped from white-knuckling the steering wheel for the past 2 hours. I was glad that the kids had been asleep in the backseat for so long […]

Blogging BlogMutt Hot Tips for Writing Online Making Money Online Web Content Writing website reviews Writing Opportunities

My new favorite webwriting agency

I’ve been writing for Blogmutt since December 20, 2013 and almost instantly, they were my #1 favorite place to log into.  Their behind-the-scenes format is so easy to work with.  Instead of blowing their horn here on my website, I’m going to send you directly over to Blogmutt via some links to posts I wrote […]


Working From Home During the Holidays

I’m writing this at my kitchen counter, it’s centrally located, well, right in the middle of the house (grin).  My six-year-old and my eight-year-old are running circles around me, stark naked with bath towels trailing behind them like superheroes.  If I stop writing I might say something lame like “Cheesus Ate Rice, stop running in […]


SalesForce CRM management (cloud based) software

It’s 4300 and 5 days to take the new salesforce administrator’s course but the outline for the class is available online and while you won’t get a certificate for teaching yourself, you can definitely do it even without access to the program.  There are videos on youtube and other tutorials out there for learning to be […]