Seattle publications that may be hiring writers and freelance writers in Seattle
Magazine Writing Writing Courses Online Writing Opportunities

Seattle Small Press Magazines and Newspapers

I just searched for Small Publications in Seattle and was pretty disappointed to find that none of my fellow writers had compiled this.  If they did, they weren’t on page 1 and the only useful thing on page 1 was Wikipedia. So I’m writing it.  If you want a list of small newspapers in Seattle […]

Hot Tips for Writing Online Magazine Writing Web Content Writing

Lead Times for Print Publication vs Web Writing

For writing web content, 2-3 months is generally a decent lead time for seasonal articles. It gives your article enough time to grow authority via incoming links and can help your SERP rankings through the peak of the season. However- this is the web and a good (SEO good) article will do well year after […]

Magazine Writing Writing

New Magazine Guidelines

My friends in Texas Barb and Sarah have just officially announced the upcoming publication of Rethinking Everything Magazine. Basically, if you’ve madea  monumental, life-changing decision then they want to hear your story. Go check out their guidelines, read through some of the titles to see if perhaps you have something to submit. You can also […]